Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 months

Magnus is two months old (ok this post is actually a little late...opps).
I can't believe how much my little man has changed in the past two months!  This month he started smiling (right around 6 weeks).  His mouth is super ticklish and anytime you touch it he lights up in a big gummy grin!  His eyes are still a dark blue and he's still pretty much bald with just a tiny amount of dark hair.  He loves moving his arms and legs like crazy and has finally started to be awake a little more...but still mostly sleeps all day!  He is such a chunk!  At his 2 month Dr. apt he weighed in at a whoping 15 lbs and 3 oz which was in the 87% for weight and was 24.5 inches tall which put him in the 86% for height.  He's HUGE!!!  He has outgrown his newborn clothes and lots of the 0-3 month clothes.  Somehow he is already fitting into some 6 month outfits!  He's in a size two diaper and is going at least one 4-6 hour stretch of sleeping at night.  Mag is the happiest baby and STILL has not had any big crying fits.  He loves looking at big sister Sylvie and she is obsessed with him!  He's not a huge fan of tummy time, but loves laying on Daddy's chest at night.  The baby bjorn is his second home and he doesn't mind it one bit!  Magnus has been on 6 flights in his first 8 weeks of life, can you say frequent flyer?  LOVE this guy and what he's adding to our family!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Road Trip!

My 10 year high school reunion was last weekend.  Hold's been 10 YEARS???  Get outta here!  I swear  I was just putting on my stars and stripes cross country shorts, hosting Patriot Vision with Morgan, and perfecting the art of the double cartwheel with Blair last year!  How did we get so old??Since we've been flying back to KC about every 2 weeks all year, we thought we'd try to save some money and drive back for my reunion.  Many would call us nuts to attempt an 8+ hour drive with 2 babies under the age of 3.  But we had faith in sweet Sylvie and Magnus :)

We left around 7:30 Thursday night and stopped in Springfield, IL to spend the night.  Sylvie did pretty well and kept herself entertained with coloring, watching Sophia the First, and of course talking...lots of talking!  Magnus slept like he does 90% of the time.  Before hitting the road Friday morning Sylvie got some energy out by jumping on the bed (a must when you're at a hotel) and going for a swim in the freezing pool!  We drove the rest of the way Friday with not much trouble.  Sylvie took a great nap, Magnus continued to sleep, we stopped for lunch at a Subway in a barn, then made it to KC just in time to spend some quality play time with the cousins Jay and Vivi (Jayvivi if you ask Sylvie).  Friday night we resurrected Fruity Friday with our Liberty gang which consists of getting together at  someone's house to drink a variety of fruit beer.  Man I miss L-town!!!  We ate pizza, drank fruit beer, and enjoyed our amazing group of friends!  Plus thanks to Fitz I got some much needed Classy Chocolates dipped cookies...go get some today if you haven't tried them!

 Saturday was reunion day!!  We played some more with Jayvivi in the AM then headed to Blair's to play with Lincolnhazel (Sylvie prefers to combine names) and get ready for the big event!  The gang was back together!  Morgan, Blair and I spent hours quoting Romy and Michelle and getting dolled up  while the kids played and the husbands kept commenting on how long it was taking us to get ready.  It was just like Prom 03!

After getting the kids to their babysitters (big thanks to Pitts for watching Mag and the Taylor's for having Sylvie over for her first slumber party) we were off to celebrate with the Truman High class of 2003!  Everything about the reunion was a blast!  Catching up with old classmates, having a hard time staying out of the photo booth, and of course posting up on the dance floor, all with my 2 besties by my side.  We really don't know what Nate and Cole did during most of the reunion, but we really didn't care as long as our wine glasses were full and the music was on!  There were many hysterical events that took place that should not be spoken of. The night obviously ended with T-bell.

I had two photo shoots Sunday then we packed up and headed back to Chicago.  This trip was a little harder since we did it all at once, but some stickers, ice cream, more Sophia the First, multiple stops, and some sing alongs got us through.  We got back around 12:30 and went straight to sleep! 
What a weekend!!!
Sweet baby Mag.  9 weeks old!

Please note this is a SIX MONTH outfit...chunk!

jumping on the bed

such a daddy's girl
the three amigos

and the zillion photo booth photos...believe it or not this isn't even all of them!

really feelin it

Note the sign...we thought this was hysterical!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Big city day part 2

Now this is the part in our journey through Chicago that I start to question my ability to parent.  As I mentioned early I had packed the diaper bag with everything we would need for the day.  Well turns out that was in fact false.  After our side walk chalk fun, we made it to the fountains at Millennium park that kids can play in.  There are these two towers that have digital faces on them that are constantly changing.  Then all of the sudden water comes shooting out where the mouth is on a face and all the kids go crazy!  It was pretty chilly out but of course we told Sylvie she could still play in the fountains. There was no way I was going to deal with what would've happened had we said no.  Sylvie took off into the fountains and it was clear I was going to have to chase her so I took off my shoes and joined her. No part of me thought it might be a good idea to take off or at least roll up her leggings to keep them from getting soaked, so during her splashing and walking through the water they got drenched with freezing cold water.  It didn't faze her one bit, kids seem to be immune to the cold!

fountain fun

 After awhile we decided to continue on to the ever popular bean!  Sylvie was shivering so I thought it would be best to take off the drenched leggings and wrap my scarf around her legs.  This worked great until we got to the bean.  Once there she of course wanted out of the stroller, so there she was in a short dress, no leggings, on a day where pants where clearly needed.  Then I remembered I had thrown an extra outfit in the good old diaper bag...then I remembered that outfit was a halter top would have to do.  I stuck the romper on so her legs would be warm, but then had to leave the dress on so her arms would be warm, and topped the outfit off with her jacket.  She looked like Christmas joy in her red and green (with hot pink shoes) layered outfit!  Very Classy. I know everyone was thinking, ohhhh look at the poor little girl who's mom is obviously color blind.  Matching outfit or not, she loved seeing her reflection in the bean and believe it or not Magnus finally woke up so we took him out for some family pics.

the bean!
inappropriately short dress :)
Pure Christmas

bean selfie
family reflection

About this time Magnus started acting hungry.  There really wasn't a good place to nurse him so I did the unthinkable, I found the most private place I could, threw a blanket over me and let him eat.  Cole and Sylvie kept trucking towards the family festival area while we hung back.  Midway through the feeding I started to feel something wet on my arm.  That's odd.  So I lifted the little man up only to find he had indeed blown out his diaper and had poo all the way up his back.  YAY!  There of course was no good place to change him.  About the time I was laying his blanket down to create a makeshift changing pad (many "prepared" moms cary actual changing pads with them...oppps) I remembered he also had an extra outfit packed that was not weather appropriate.  The blanket had to remain poop free so the little guy wouldn't freeze.  I once again took out my handy scarf and laid it in the grass. As I reached for the diaper bag I had a horrible feeling that I had forgotten the wipes.  Could it get any worse?  No wipes, cold day, poop up the back, laying in the grass.  Luckily I had some burp cloths in the diaper bag and used those to wipe him up the best I could.  I changed him into his outfit, bundled him back up, stuck him back in the baby bjorn, all while avoiding eye contact with the what felt like hundreds of people staring and judging, and attempting to avoid being background scenery in any photos.  Major mom fail!!!  You'd think this was my first rodeo!  I learned a major lesson here about trying harder to remember EVERYTHING when packing the diaper bag.

Magnus fell right back asleep and we found Cole and Sylvie building a grand tower at the Family Festival (pretty sure Cole did most the building).  We wrapped up at the festival then kept walking to the Sunglass Hut on Michigan Ave so I could return my Mother's Day sunglasses from Cole and pick up my new pair.  Only took me two months to decide which pair to get (Ray Ban Clubmasters)! 

We finally decided we had seen enough and headed back to the L for our short ride home.  On the way we passed a Trader Joe's and decided to grab some champagne for the evening since we knew it would definitely be an early bedtime for the kidos after our big day.  Sylvie is beyond obsessed with the tiny carts at TJ's and did some major grocery shopping all on her own.  Shortly after leaving Cole pointed out the champagne bottle in the bottom of the stroller that had never actually been paid for.  I know it's horrible, but by this point we were loaded down with grocery bags and a tired 2 year old and blocks away... there was no way we were going back for a $5 stroller theft.  Sorry TJ!

We made it to the L, boarded, and were home.  Sylvie went to sleep right after dinner, Magnus never really woke up, and Cole and I enjoyed some Champagne while watching Key & Peele videos on youtube.  Best. Day. Ever. (minus the multiple unprepared mom moments and poorly packed diaper bag)