Wednesday, October 30, 2013

4 months

Baby Mag is 4 months old!  He has not slowed down in his growth AT ALL!  I know I'm always saying how huge he is…but here is proof!  At his 4 month Dr. appointment he weighed in at a whopping 18 pounds 12 ounces which puts him in the 92 percentile.  YOWZA!  He was 26.25 inches tall (86 percentile) and his head was 16.85 inches (76 percentile).  He is currently wearing size 6-12 month or 9 month in all of his clothes and we reluctantly had to move him up to a size FOUR diapers after dealing with WAY too many blowouts.  He eats about every 3-4 hours during the day and is still not interested in sleeping through the night.  His routine has so far been to go to sleep around 9pm then wake up anytime from 2-3am, then again around 6am, then again around 8-9am.  BUT…there have been plenty of nights where he has decided he'd rather see my face every 2-3 hours instead.  Someday I will sleep through a full night…someday.
Mag decided to learn a new trick of rolling over from his tummy to his back on September 29, 9 days before he turned 4 months.  Sylvie also rolled for the first time exactly 9 days before she turned 4 months, crazy huh?!?  Cole was letting me sleep in and Magnus decided it was time to roll over for his daddy.  Luckily he showed off again to me when I finally got up. 
He continues to amaze us with how incredibly happy he is, pretty much all the time!  He loves staring at me, Cole, Sylvie, or anyone else he can get eye contact with, then just lighting up in a huge smile!    Magnus has been obsessed with his pacifier from day 1, but now he's also figured out he can suck on his hands.  He loves attempting to stick them both in his mouth at the same time which usually results in a drooly mess.  His baby noises are way too cute for words and his big eyes are my favorite!  Homeboy  is still pretty much bald but it's so cute!  Can't believe this guy's already 1/3 of the way to 1 year old!  We love you Magnus Anthony!

Since he couldn't push up much for his 3 month photo shoot, I had to get him back in the studio for some naked belly shots :)

We had to get a cousins pic!  Jay and Sylvie  3, Magnus 4 months and Vivi 18 months

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Penny Park

We stumbled upon Penny Park soon after moving to Chicago last year.  It's hidden away in Evanston, IL and is one of the coolest parks I've ever seen!  First off it is huge with tons of different things to do, swings, tire swing, slides, sandbox, monkey bars, balance beam, you name it this park has it.  It is made entirely of wood and has an incredible area you can climb up that is pretty much a maze.  On what was most likely one of the last semi warm fall weekends, we decided to take a trip up there to let Sylvie play.  She of course loved it like usual while Magnus continued to love his baby bjorn!  Sylvie is really into monkey bars right now.  She definitely needs help with them but we think it won't be much longer till she can do them "all by myself" like she's wanting to.  We log a lot of hours at the park by our apartment which Sylvie refers to as the Sand Park, so it's nice to get a change of park scenery on the weekends :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

3 months

Baby Mag is 3 months old (late again....).  This little stud muffin is still the biggest baby on the block!  He is in size 3 diapers and mostly 6 month or 9 month clothes.  He's decided he's too hungry to sleep through the night, big bummer for me!  Sylvie started doing this very early so I keep wondering when he is going to start!  I must admit I don't completely mind getting to spend some one on one time with him at 3am (some nights multiple one on one times), but am also wondering if I will ever get a full night of sleep again!  He is still the happiest baby ever!  The guy LOVES to smile, especially at me :)  Anytime he catches my eye he lights up in this big grin.  My heart is his!  He also started babbling quite a bit this month.  He's making tons of cooing noises and sometimes gets really excited when you talk to him and lets out a high pitched "OHHHH".  He thinks Sylvie is pretty cool and loves watching her.  Sylvie also is still pretty obsessed with him.  She loves talking to him and wants to include him in everything.  He's already gotten a few nicknames.  When not calling him Magnus some favorites are Mag or Magnooski (my personal fav).  He spits up a decent amount and therefore goes through way too many outfit changes each day (can you say laundry).  He's still not the biggest fan of tummy time but still loves the baby bjorn.  I loved getting to take his 3 month photos at my studio in Parkville, then decided we needed a few outdoors with big sister back in Chicago.
We are so lucky to have such a happy big healthy boy!!  I seriously love this kid more than I ever thought possible!  Happy 3 months Magnooski!!!