Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Farm Life/4th of July

Better late than never is my new moto!  Yes this was a couple months ago, but I wanted to make sure I added these photos to our blog!  The day before July 4th we headed down to Windsor and spent some time on Cole's family farm.  The kids love being there and getting to fish, see the cows, help drive the vehicles through all the tall grass, ride in the truck beds, and do all things country.  The weather could not have been more perfect (especially for July)!  Multiple fish were caught and I'm not sure who was more excited, Cole and his dad or the kids.  After staying there way too late, we were up bright and early for all the 4th of July festivities at the park.  Sylvie participated in the egg race and water balloon toss (we sat out of the frog and turtle races this year).  This was the first year she was old enough to participate and it was so fun to watch her!  Magnus loved his 1st 4th of July and even made it to the firework show! It was the most perfect weather and another great day spent with friends and family!
New fav way to ride in the car
Lining up for t
She stopped mid race to look back at Cole
She threw first in the water balloon toss.  Needless to say it didn't quite make it to Nevaeh

Monday, August 11, 2014

13 months

Magnus is 13 months old (and I'm only a month late posting…yet again).  He is turning into the sweetest little boy with the best personality!  His laugh is so contagious and the way he just looks at people with this little smirk melts my heart.  He is still loving walking around holding hands with people, especially Sylvie.  He has also started giving kisses which are quite similar to head buts, but still very sweet.  He likes to point to anything and everything and say  "dat" over and over.  He is obsessed with babies and always tries to kiss and pull on his new cousins.  He loves taking baths, playing outside,  and playing with is stacking toys, tools, and anything Sylvie has.  His new favorite thing to do is walk backwards until he plops onto my lap when I'm sitting on the ground.  He has the fattest little foot and we are having a horrible time finding shoes that fit him!  Still in size 4 diapers, 18-24 month clothes, 8 teeth, and loving to eat!!  Our buddy boy is the best!