Thursday, May 22, 2014

Cousin Love

I got to watch all 4 kidos today so of course we had to do a cousin photo shoot!  Now most of the time I can line these guys up and get a great shot by simply bribing them with jelly beans.  Today however, they weren't feeling it.  These pics are cracking me up and really show the joys of watching 4 kids under the age of 4.  
Magnus 11 months, Jay 3.5, Vivienne 2, Sylvie 3.5
This one is my favorite.  I laugh every time I look at it! 
Sylvie loves to push Jay's buttons.  She knows what will annoy him and she plays that "little annoying sister" role quite well.  She loves to play anything girly with Vivienne and pick her up!
 Vivienne is the sweetest little 2 year old around.  She's gotten quite talkative recently and it's hard to not giggle at everything she says in her adorable voice!  She worships the big kids and is always following them around just a few steps behind.  Yet she seems to always think she's right with them.  She is obsessed with helping Magnus with anything she thinks he needs, but gets pretty annoyed when he tries to grab her or or toys.  She has a feisty side and can scream quite loud.  When she says "Momo" it just melts my heart.  She is the most lovable lady!
 Jay is the wild man of the group!  His energy is limitless!!  He is currently obsessed with Spiderman and showed up today in full on Spiderman costume with his Spiderman t-shirt to change into when he got hot.  He fights with Sylvie like they are brother and sister and loves to try to boss her around.  He thinks Magnus is pretty cool and always says in this great voice "awww he's so cute!"  He's also super competitive right now and wants everything to be a race or contest, which doesn't always end well.  You can always count on this kid for a killer dance move or great nickname.  He's hysterical!
 We decided a lunch picnic on the deck would be fun!
Magnus is the baby of the group!  He just stares at the big kids and takes it all in.  He's starting to venture out and play with them more and more and it's so sweet to watch him interact.   Hard to believe he will be playing just like them before we know it!  Also hard to believe that in just a few short weeks there will be a new baby of the family!!
Everything about these four angels is PERFECT!  Even when they are being drug out of a house kicking and screaming or fighting over the most random toy or driving each other nuts.  They are the best!  I live for the cousin hugs and we are so lucky to FINALLY live so close to these guys!!  

Sylvie's shirt & overalls- Baby Gap
Shoes- Zara

Magnus' shirt & shorts- Baby Gap
Shoes- Saltwater Sandals

Vivi's shirt & Pants- Matlida Jane

Jay's shirt & pants- Baby Gap

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Just because

In my world my "big" camera is always out.  Cole gets annoyed because he's terrified it's going to get broken, but it's so important to me to always have it handy to catch all the moments throughout the days.  Yesterday we were heading out to the Plaza to run some errands and of course we had to do a quick photo shoot just because.  Sylvie can really work it for the camera, makes me laugh so hard and then get so excited when I see an image that just captures her personality perfectly!  Magnus is always on the go basically running with his head down.  I practically do cartwheels to get the kid to look at me and he could care less!  Getting a picture of the two of them together actually looking at the camera is impossible!  I've learned to just catch the sweet moment between them and enjoy all the action shots!
When Cole got home last night him and Sylvie went to work.  Cole had bought a little kids building kit to do with Sylvie.  She LOVES helping him work and he was so excited to get her her own little tool set!  Together they built a little locker.  I was shocked at how good she was at hammering.  She hit that nail right on the head nearly every time!  
The evening lighting in our front yard is absolutely amazing!!!  It's like this house was built for a photographer to live in!  With Cole doing who knows what behind me, I was FINALLY able to get a couple good shots of the big guy actually looking somewhat towards the camera.  

Sylvie's star dress- Baby Gap
bowtie- a repurposed headband
Shoes- Old Navy
Bow- Gap

Magnus' outfit hand-me-downs from cousin Jay :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Field Trips

I absolutely love that my sister and I are home with our kidos most days and therefore get to have weekday play dates!!  The kids have grown up like brothers and sisters and it is so fun to watch them interact!  They are literally like sour patch kids…super sweet one minute then sour as can be the next!  They each have such strong and unique personalities and really know how to make for an exciting adventure when all together!  We took them to Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead to enjoy some warm weather and outdoor fun and boy did they love it!  They played on the playground, rode bikes, fed goats,  had a picnic, and loved getting to be outdoors!
Vivi & Sylvie are both terrified of animals, so watching them feed the goats was hysterical and filled with lots of little screams and pulling the bottles away
Sylvie and Jay are CRAZY competitive right now, so riding these little tractors of course turned into a full blown race!