Thursday, February 27, 2014

3 year old funnies

Anytime we leave the house Sylvie loves to grab as many toys as she can possibly hold to take with us.  The other day we were headed to my grandparents, or as Sylvie calls them Other Mimi and Boppy, and  like usual she loaded up with lots of goodies.  She was ready to go complete with a hot pink glove, baby doll (Pokey Pokey), basket stuffed with who knows what, make-up bag, and a random black tassel thing.  Where she finds this stuff and how she decides what's important enough to take…I have no idea!  She also put on a good amount of lip gloss and demanded to fix her own bed head by slapping on a headband.  Everything about her makes me smile :)
I know everyone is jealous of our sweet paint job….can not WAIT to get rid of the baby blue and khaki, and get these floors refinished.
Amamzing Lip gloss work

Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

The great thing about being a photographer is I have about a zillion images of my kids and get to take their photos all the time!  The bad part is sometimes their photo shoots have to take a backseat when I'm at a busy time of year.   Therefore the Erdmann Valentine's photos were a week late :)    Of course I couldn't choose and they were all my favorites, so here's a ton of Valentine's goodness from my little loves!

eight months

Eight months old!  I can't believe it!  Magnus is seeming so old to me these days!  He's so curious and is really getting into playing and moving around!  He started crawling around 7.5 months.  It's a hysterical very slow crawl that is often times paired with lots of grunting.  He loves being able to move and also started pulling up to standing.  His favorite thing to do is hold onto something and just stand and smile at everyone.  He has also been babbling quite a bit and making some really funny faces while  making silly noises (see below photos).  He's at the stage where every single thing he can get his fat little hands on will end up in his mouth.  He is still loving food and only has his bottom 2 teeth.  He loves to laugh when he's being tickled or when he's watching big sister Sylvie.  He is a total mommy's boy and still wakes up every few hours during the night just to see me :)  His hair is coming in a little more and it's of course pretty dark like the rest of us.  He's in 12-18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 3 shoes.  This dude is the most lovable, happy, perfect baby!  Happy 8 months Mags!
He's really into making this noise that require this face
Please note the amazing wrist rolls
crawling action