Monday, February 3, 2014

seven months

Magnus is SEVEN months old.  WOW!  He is at such a fun stage right now.  This month he started being able to move around from the sitting position.  He can go from sitting, to his tummy and every once in awhile back to sitting.  He loves to scoot all over the place on his belly and is trying so hard to crawl!  He can get up on his hands and knees, then just rocks back and forth.  He also loves standing and gets so excited when Cole holds his hands and lets him walk around the house.  He loves the jumper and basically wants to be jumping all the time whether he's in it or not!  He is eating lots of different foods like turkey, chicken, apples, pears, avocado, bananas, and baby yogurt.  I'm making all his baby food and have a hard time keeping up with his eating demands!  Magnus enjoyed celebrating his first Christmas and New Years Eve this month.  His first tooth popped through on New Years Day and the second one a week later.  Having two bottom teeth really make him look older!  Mag is on a pretty good nap schedule and sleeps 2-3 times a day.  He has found his tongue and loves to stick it out and make funny babbling noises.  He still wakes up and eats all through the night, one of these days I will know what sleep is again :)  The kid is still completely obsessed with is pacifier and we can't go anywhere without it!  He is still in size 4 diapers and has now moved up to 12-18 month clothes!!!  How is my 7 month old in 12-18 month clothes??  Such a chunk!  I literally can not believe how big he is!  Love my boy!

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