Thursday, August 27, 2015

Magnus turns 2

It's hard to believe but our little man turned 2!!!  We celebrated with a small party at DeAnna Rose Farmstead.  The birthday boy loved walking around and seeing all the animals!  His highlights were feeding the goats with Charlie, fishing with Erggy Pa, and of course eating with all his friends.  When everyone was singing happy birthday to him he just sat there, stone cold, then when he heard his name let out the sweetest smile ever.  I think he had a great day!

His actual birthday morning was spent celebrating with the usual age shaped orange roll breakfast!  Anytime you ask him how old he is he gets this little smirk on his face and says "Fou" and holds up 4 fingers.  It's the funniest thing he's ever done, and we're pretty sure he's just coping off of Sylvie (who actually is 4). 

Magnus is still pretty quiet for a 2 year old but has started attempting to say tons of words.  He says most words by just saying the first sound of the word which can lead to quite the guessing game.  He loves to yell "MOM" and "DAD" and I do mean yell.  He has the sweetest personality and loves to hug and snuggle.  My favorite is when he gives me a big hug he loves to wrap his little arms around my neckt and pat my back.  He's still not a huge fan of sleeping through the night and would much prefer come in for 3am snuggles.  He sleeps in a toddler bed now and has to have his trucks and hulk doll to cuddle with. He's super excited about becoming a big brother soon and loves to point to my belly and say "be be" along with bringing his Dr. kit around to give her a check up.   He has tons of teeth, wears size 5 diapers, size 2T clothing, and weighs 33 lbs.  He still has the biggest brown eyes and hasn't had a haircut (though many family members have tried).  He gets quite obsessed with things (mainly food) and loves playing puppies and babies with big sis.  He will follow that girl around anywhere and thinks her and all his cousins are just the best!  We love this little guy to pieces and can't wait to see what year number 2 brings!!
After the party Mag took a great nap then woke up ready to open presents!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dancing Queen

Sylvie had her very first dance recital!  We all thought she'd freeze on stage and stick her hand in her mouth (her usual nervous habit), however she shocked us all and marched on stage and did the whole dance!  It was the sweetest thing to watch and she was beaming the whole time with pride.  She even waited until walking off the stage to stick the hand in her mouth....ha!  She had quite the cheering section, and was a bit of a mess with all the attention after the show (see her hilarious family photos below to see what I mean).  Overall she had a wonderful evening and definitely LOVES being a dancing queen.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chi Town

Nothing beats a trip back to our once sweet home Chicago!  We had a blast visiting all our old favorite restaurants, shops, parks, friends and even got to check out the new Maggie Daley park!
this was the week before her dance recital so every chance she got she busted out her opening dance pose