Monday, January 25, 2016


Sylvie was positive she wanted to be a chair for Halloween....a chair.  How does one even be a chair??  Luckily she decided she'd settle for a pumpkin, Anna, or Elsa.  Then after weeks of decision making she finally landed on Anna (although she kept telling everyone she was going to be a chair).

Magnus knew he wanted to be the Hulk from day one and never changed his mind.  He got his costume a little early and wore it pretty much daily all of September and October yet never got tired of it.

Poppy was the cutest and tiniest little Minnie Mouse.

The festivities started off with a parade at preschool.  We also trick-or-treated at Mimi and Pa's followed by a neighborhood party and more trick-or-treating along our street.  Sylvie and Magnus LOVED going door to door and got way too much candy.  
I busted out my powerpuff girl costume from High School while Cole brought back Mario from his college days

Thursday, January 21, 2016


I've always dreamed of having sisters.  I can't even imagine growing up without a sister myself! They're the best and I hope my 2 little sisters will agree.
and of course big brother was jealous and needed some of his own Poppy time
Cousins are the best!  My mom could hardly wait to get an updated cousin pic including number SIX!
So the Royals not only made it to the World Series for the 2nd year in a row....they WON!  We went to quite a few Royals watch parties and Sylvie made sure to wear all the gold she could find the whole month of October.
This guy.  He's crazy and hysterically perfect!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

sibling love

I had a blast getting Poppy up to my studio to take some sibling photos when she was about 2 weeks old.  The love these two have for their new baby sister is more precious than I could've ever imagined!