Thursday, July 17, 2014

12 months

Baby Mag is not a baby anymore.  My little guy is 1 year old!!!  These past 12 months have flown by!  Magnus has added so much joy to our lives and we could not be more proud of our son/brother.  Magnus loves eating all different types of food but fruit is definitely his favorite.  He constantly has to have something in at least one hand (preferably both).  Toy bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, measuring cups, spoons or balls are some of his favorites.  He loves watching Sylvie and cracks up at most things she does.  He is still attached at the hip to ME (which I'm totally ok with) and really loves his daddy too!  He has started reaching out his hand, then leading us around holding hands.  He loves to do this!  He's in a size 4 diaper, 18-24 month clothes, has 8 teeth, still won't sleep through the night, and is 25lbs 4 oz (95%) and 31" (85%).  He loves climbing and can often be found standing and bouncing on chairs, tables, stairs, basically anything he shouldn't be on.  Magnus is quite curious but hasn't figured out talking yet.  He does a lot of babbling and possibly is saying "that".  Love this kid and his funny little personality!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brand Reppin'

We are having the best summer!  We've spent a lot of time outdoors going on runs, playing at the park, riding bikes, digging in the dirt, and playing many games of chase!  Sylvie was recently picked to be a brand rep for Birdie Baby Boutique!  Basically the owner/designer sends us headbands and in return I send her photos of Sylvie wearing them for her to use in advertising and on her social media pages.  It's a great deal for us since we love her shop, her headbands are amazing! And I clearly also love taking photos of my girl :)  We got this beautiful flower tie back in the mail so a photo shoot followed!  Sylvie loves posing for the camera.  I always try to tell her what to do and she of course tells me no and comes up with her own pose, which is always adorable and 10x better than mine.  She gets so excited and you just never know what she will come up with next!
And we had to snag of pic of the princess Sylvie and her twin Daddy!  Love these two!

Leotard- The Striped Fig
Skirt- Persnickety
Shoes- Joyfolie