Thursday, January 9, 2014

6 months old

How is my chubby man 6 months old??  This was a big month!  Magnus started eating real food and has so far loved it!  He tried bananas, avocado, carrots and gagged on sweet potatoes (absolutely hated them).  He is surprisingly a pretty clean eater and gets so excited when he gets in the high chair and knows it's time to eat!  He enjoyed his first Thanksgiving and really chowed down on bananas for his first Thanksgiving meal.  He is sitting much more straight up and sturdy these days and loves playing with toys as he sits.  Mag is really finding his voice and it's hysterical to listen to him babble.  Sylvie talks to him as if he is going to answer her and he just loooooves watching her every move.  The funniest is anytime she throws a fit or cries he thinks its hysterical and starts smiling and laughing at her, which is usually followed by Sylvie snapping "It's not funny Magnus" which then just makes him laugh more.  I could watch the two of them interact for hours!  He has the sweetest laugh and is very ticklish.  If you grab his belly you are almost guaranteed a great laughing session!  He is still totally obsessed with his pacifier and sleeping like a newborn (up every 3 hours or so at night).  Other than the sleeping, he continues to be the easiest, happiest, most perfect baby we could ask for!  At his 6 month check-up Magnus weighed 21 lbs 3 oz (95%) and was 28 inches tall (92%).  He is straight up massive! He sports size 4 diapers and wears 6-12 month clothes.  Happy 6 months big guy!

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